It's not about how it should be, it's about how it feels.

May 2020 - 5_27_20 Blog - Stock Photo.jpg

If there’s something happening in your relationship that doesn’t feel good, like:⠀

💔 You’re communicated with in a way that’s not comfortable.⠀
💔 The division of labor feels off.⠀
💔 You don’t have enough quality time together.⠀
💔 You don’t feel connected or close to one another.⠀
💔 You experience your partner yelling at you or using harsh tones.⠀
💔 You don’t feel heard or understood when you share your perspective.⠀
💔 You feel dismissed or rejected when you reach out.⠀

You don’t need to build a case for why your partner is wrong for doing these things.⠀

You feeling hurt by it is enough.⠀

Let’s read that again:⠀

Your feelings are enough.⠀

Our natural tendency is to justify why we’re upset with numerous examples of our partner’s behavior, recent and historical, societal rules that say it’s “wrong,” and the back-up that “everyone” would agree with you.⠀

This is because we don’t expect our feelings to be valued. We don’t think they’re going to be enough, so we piece together a logical, thought-based argument so our needs can be taken seriously.⠀

I invite you to pause this approach.⠀

I was sitting here this morning thinking about how my husband and I argue about the division of labor from time to time. It mostly comes up when his work life gets very hectic and I feel left alone with all of the household tasks.⠀

I was thinking about how the conversations went and how I built the case for it not being “fair,” that he was valuing his work more than mine, and that my work was more important after all.⠀


Then, I realized all I really needed to say was:⠀

I’m feeling really alone with the household tasks. I know you’re working a lot and it’s hard for you to find the time to help, but this feels really uncomfortable. I feel like I have to put my work aside to pick up the slack, which makes me feel even worse. Can we come up with a plan to handle this in a different way?”⠀

It’s so clear now, but in that moment I was flooded. So, the case-building happened.⠀

Have you ever built a rock solid, logic-based argument just to get your partner to take your needs seriously?


In Lieu of This Week’s Post


Are You Microrejecting Your Partner?